Recently I noticed an increase in so-called Modeling Agencies that are not only phony, but outright rip-offs and wanted to write an article in the hopes to help aspiring models identify modeling agencies and scouts that are legitimate and separate them from multiple ones that are not.
First thing you should know when you are approached a model agency is that it is very rare that a professional modeling agency will seek to acquire customers via the Internet web sites. Legitimate agencies receive hundreds and thousands of submissions every day via both e-mail and snail mail and they don't have the time and resources to chase down wannabe models on the Internet or MySpace.
It is uncommon that a scout will approach a model on the street, but it has happened and has lead some individuals to a legitimate modeling career.
Things you want to check when approached by a modeling agency are following:
Talent Agency Licence - Not all states require a license to do business as a modeling agency, but here are some that do: California, Florida, Texas.
In California, the agency that governs talent agencies is California Department of Industrial Relations. You may check the status of a talent agency's license here
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Modeling Agencies Scam
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11:10 PM
Labels: model agency, model agency scam
Friday, December 28, 2007
Staying in shape during the winter months
Staying in shape is a challenging task especially during the cold months of the year. November through February is the coldest time of the year in Northern California when it gets so freezing at night time that the car windows get covered with a thin layer of ice.
I get lazy during those month and any desire to exercise goes out of the window.
What can you do if you want to keep in shape during the winter regardless of the weather conditions? I have found some answers that I want to share with you.
Dancing is a great exercise that kills a lot of calories. If you like going to dance clubs and listening to music, you like dancing. Get up on that little stage by the DJ and dance all night long. Make sure to drink a lot of water and go easy on alcohol. One glass of white wine contains about 250 calories, an amount that you will lose in one hour if you dance. So, this is a wash.
Sign up for dance lessons.
Dance lessons are another activity that can keep you in shape, and that you can do indoors. It helps discipline because usually dance lessons are scheduled at a certain intervals of time, usually once or twice a week.
My favorite class is a hip-hop class. It is an excellent exercise that helps build and maintain your core muscles. Another great class I recommend is Step. Step is a very intense exercise that could be extremely difficult for beginners. The length of class is usually one to one and a half hour, and it is the most effective type of dance exercise for those who want to shed those few calories.
If you feel that hip-hop and step are not for you and want to start slow, salsa is a great class for beginners. With graceful moves and classic Spanish rhythms, you will love Salsa.
Know any more great ways to stay in shape during the winter months? Share it here in the comment section.
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8:11 AM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Booking and Travel Schedule January 2007
I would like to announce my tentative travel plans for January 2007. Please, note that the dates are not set in stone and may change. If you are interested in booking me for a shoot, please contact me ASAP.
I usually travel to S.CA (Los Angeles area) and Las Vegas, NV often. If we are unable to schedule a shoot for this month, I will be traveling again shortly and will visit your area again in the future.
Here are my tentative travel plans.
Los Angeles:
I will be in LA mid-January and will probably stay over one weekend Friday through Monday. I will be taking assignments for print work only at this time. The location where I will be staying in Huntington Beach and I will be able to travel in the 75 mi radius from Huntington Beach.
Las Vegas:
I plan on traveling to Las Vegas at the end on January. I travel to the sin city almost every month. I always stay at one of the hotels on the strip. I prefer that while I can provide my own transportation to and from the shoot, that you be able to provide a ride to and from the location of the shoot.
I am looking for a variety of assignments and will do any type of work from commercial and editorial print to artistic and fine art.
My rates vary depending on the content of the shoot, circulation, commercial use of the images, the model release and other factors that can be discussed further with interested parties.
For all out-of-state assignments, I require a booking deposit in the amount of 50% of the determined compensation for the shoot. Booking deposits should be made via PayPal. You may use this PayPal button for that purpose.
If you do not have a PayPal account, you may get one by clicking below.
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11:08 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Artistic Photo Shoot
These photos are from an artistic-surreal photo shoot I did a few months ago in the mustard fields of Napa Valley, CA. Two of the photos from this photo shoot were showcased on One Model Place.
Photos by Curvy Pixels Photography. I hope you enjoy this short slide show.
Posted by
6:21 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Model Elaine's Official Blog
My name is Elaine. Originally from Russia, Moscow with Ukrainian, Polish and Russian roots, I moved to the US nine years ago and since then Ihave resided in the beautiful Bay Area just East of San Francisco.
I have been modeling for many years and am proud to say that throughout my career as a model I have been fortunate to work with some of the best photographers and makeup artists in the industry.I have earned a solid reputation as an extremely creative, energetic, easy-going and fun to work with model. I love being in front of the camera and I am just as comfortable shooting for a low-circulation print ad as appearing on the national television in live broadcasting.The nature of my work usually requires a very healthy and toned physique. I work hard to stay in shape. I love biking, swimming, lifting weights, as well as other physical activities.
I like shooting fashion, swimwear, lingerie, casual, commercial and editorial images.Take a look at my portfolio and contact me via e-mail if you are interested in booking me for a job.
Elaine D
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4:48 PM
Labels: model elaine portfolio, model portfolio
Model Contests
Other ways of getting your foot in the door are Model Contests. If you have professional photos, you can participate in a contest. The rules vary depending on each contest. Probably the most popular ones are swimsuit contests. There usually cash prizes promised, and the entry fees are nominal. Do your own due diligence and research the companies in charge of the contests before giving your credit card number over the Internet. There are some legitimate contests, but you need to use your own judgment whether the company seems credible.
Model Talent Searches. Some large agencies have Model Scouts that tour the country searching for talent. They conduct so-called beauty contests. The contestants are required to pay an entry fee. However, depending on where you live and how much it would cost you otherwise to travel to modeling industry markets, the entry fee may actually save you money.
Modeling Conventions are the most expensive form of a Model Contest. Representatives from modeling agencies from all over the country come to modeling conventions. The entry fees are high, but you have an opportunity to present your talent to several different agencies. When deciding to put an application to participate in a modeling convention, find out what agencies will be represented to avoid scams
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4:40 PM
Casting Calls
Casting calls are talent searches for a specific project. Television shows, and art directors look for models and actors for their projects. Whether it is your goal to appear on national television, or participate in a local project, you may want to check casting call sections of local newspapers and online ads. Depending on the project, there is either cash payment promised, credit, or photographs. Regardless of the size of the agency placing a casting call, they all want to save money. Decide for yourself, what is more important to you, exposure, credit or money. Determine what will be the circulation of the print ad or television appearance, as well as how bad the art director or a show producer wants you, and what advantages you have over your competition.
I have been scouted several times (unsolicited) by several major shows on national television networks. I had a chance, while participating in their projects, to meet with other participants. Surprisingly, I discovered that the same show did not pay the same amount to each participant. If the producer is really interested in bringing you to the program, you are in the position to negotiate a higher appearance fee. However, if they have a pool of candidates that are similar to your, you may not be in the best negotiating position, especially if you want to get credit that you can add to your resume.
Posted by
4:37 PM
Test Shoot
If you decide to opt for freelancing, you will need to start building your portfolio, so that you can show it to potential clients. With freelancing, models will usually submit professional photos to a photographer who is in charge of the client’s project. Usually the photographer acts as an art director, even though the client will ultimately approve the choice of models.
The easiest way to build a professional-looking portfolio and to learn how to pose is by going to so-called test shoots. Photographers often refer to test shoots as TFP/TFCD, which stands for Time For Print, or Time For CD. That means that the photographer provides his services to the model in exchange for her/his time. Ideally, the photographer will ask the model to work on his creative ideas, and in exchange, the model will get images that she desires for her own portfolio.
The photographer will ask the model to sign a standard model release, which is a document that says that for valuable consideration received (which will be the images from the shoot) you (model) give the photographer the right to use the images of you that he creates. Find out whether the photographer intends on using the photos for commercial purposes and read what the release says. Sometimes a model can even get paid a small percentage of the proceeds from the sale of the images to a stock agency, an art gallery, a coffee table book or a calendar.
When you are getting ready for a test shoot, ask the photographer beforehand what he wants you to bring to the shoot, whether makeup artist or stylist will be present, or you are expected to do your own makeup.
Photographers will have different requirements for the shoot, depending on many factors, skill level, and personal preferences. Some photographers do not like to shoot models wearing white because of the lighting they intend on using. However, some photographers prefer shooting white wardrobe.
If you are going to shoot swimsuit or lingerie, or nothing at all for that matter, make sure you come to the shoot wearing clothes that are loose to avoid marks that could be left by socks, fit jeans and even underwear. Be prepared to spend several hours or a whole day at the shoot, so make sure you are well-rested.
If you are lucky, and the photographer is experienced at shooting models, he may give you suggestions on how to pose. However, here I will give you a short overview on posing and expressions.
Shooting Fashion
You have to convey grace when you do a fashion shoot. The best looking fashion photos come out when your shoulders are turned toward the camera, and your hips are facing sideways. That gives you extra-thin look, and that is what fashion models are. Make sure that your arms stay in the frame, but do not press then against your body. Arms pressed against your body look awkward and appear larger then they really are. Besides, that makes you look heavier. Remember, the camera visually adds fifteen pounds. The best pose is with your arms on your hips, elbows facing the sides, arms parallel to the camera. That pose creates what’s called “positive-negative” space. Try not to put your arms right in front of the lens. Keep your hands parallel to the lens as well to the extend that you can.
Ask the photographer whether he is going to use a wide-angle lens. Generally, a wide angle works best for full body shots. It adds length to your body. However, it may make the opposite effect when you take poses that are not intended for it.Shooting Swimsuit and Lingerie is very different from shooting fashion. The main appeal in shooting lingerie is sexiness. Bring out your curves, and put on a smile. Throw one of your hips out. The more curves can your body create, the better, even if you are not very curvy naturally. Shooting glamour is very similar to shooting lingerie and swimsuit.
Artistic and Artistic Nude
That is when your personality comes to play. Artistic photography is about the mood. It is not in any way playful, but rather pensive. Your pose and expression should convey this mood.
Commercial Print is all about the energy. It is about everyday people doing everyday things. Going to work, driving in traffic, talking on the phone, discussing a project, etc. Imagine yourself in the type of settings that they are, and do not think about posing for a moment. The best commercial images come out when the model is just beeing natural. Forget everything you have learned in the previous steps of this chapter, relax and be your own self.
Posted by
4:34 PM
Marketing Yourself

Comp Cards should have a few thumbnail size images of you, your stats and contact information.
Give your comp cards to people that may help you find work such as staff of a modeling agency or a commercial photographer.
Posted by
4:15 PM
Building a Portfolio
If you opt for freelancing, you will need to start building your portfolio. Avoid hiring a photographer who will charge you anywhere from several hundred to a couple of thousand dollars. There are many photographers, professional and amateurs, experienced and beginning, that will provide you a compact disk with images from a photo shoot in exchange for your time. This is called TFP/TFCD and it stands for Time For Print/Time For CD. Some photographers refer to this ad “Testing”. Test with several different photographers, because you will need a diversity of styles. It is recommended, that a model has at least two head shots, with natural lighting and minimal makeup; at least one full body shot standing up, wearing fit clothes or swimsuit showing your full body. The rest of images in your portfolio can vary, or geared toward the type of modeling you are most interested in doing.
Although these days most responses to casting calls require a submission of digital images, make sure that you receive high-resolutions images from the shoot along with web size images. You can then order prints using the high resolutions images. Website images may be used on your website or web page. Here is a sample of a web-based portfolio grouped into categories such as Head Shots, Fashion and Swimsuit
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4:06 PM
Finding Modeling Gigs
There are many modeling agencies that serve different markets. They have different clientele, and they know what kind of look may be appropriate for their clients. Generally, you can easily submit your model application via e-mail or regular US mail. Some agencies will only accept applications via snail mail. In your model application, you will have to provide your basic information, stats, and ways to contact you. Most agencies these days will require you to send them Polaroids along with your application. They will ask for full body shots and close-ups without makeup. If you have professional photographs, they may be accepted, however, do not hurry to a photographer and do not pay hundreds of dollars to develop a portfolio. And by any means, do not send retouched photographs. Most agencies these days prefer to see what you really look like and not glamour shots of you. If they determine that you have a marketable look for their client, they will invest into your portfolio once you sign a contract. Modeling agencies have lists of photographers that they hire, and those photographers know exactly what each particular agency is looking for in building a model portfolio.
Open Calls are another sure way to determine if you have what it takes to be represented by an agency. Most top agencies conduct open calls on a regular basis. Open calls schedule is usually posted on each agency’s website. When attending an open call, you do not need to be dressed up or have professional makeup done. If you have any tear sheets or a modeling resume, it is good to bring it to an open call as well. A legitimate model agency will never charge you any up-front cost. They make money when a client hires you and not when you are hired by the agency. Be weary if an agency asks you for money to begin representation whether it is for portfolio development, processing costs, or any other costs they may claim you need to cover. There are many illegitimate agencies that try to capitalize on aspiring models. Be especially cautious if you are 4’5, 160 lbs, whom they promise fame and fortune and an immediate Victoria’s Secret contract.
If you do not live in NY, Los Angeles or other model-friendly markets of the country, you may consider signing up with a local model agency. There are smaller agencies that do not have a worldwide exposure, but that will more likely offer you the opportunity to get into the industry. If they are interested in your look and think that they can successfully market you to their clients, they will offer you a contact. Read carefully your contract and be sure you understand its terms. If the contract says the agency is representing you exclusively, that means that you will be legally obligated to obtain modeling jobs only through that agency. Upon signing a contract to represent you, the agency will refer you to a photographer that they work with to start building your portfolio. You may end up paying the photographer directly for putting together your portfolio and comp cards, especially if your agency is a small business. Smaller agencies are often called “mother agencies”. They are your first link to a larger agency. “Mother agency” will guide you through the beginning stages of your modeling career in the hopes that they will be able to re-sell you to a larger agency.
If you have determined that you may want to try Commercial or Stock photography, you may consider signing up with a website where you can host your modeling portfolio, network with other people in the industry and perhaps get some jobs. There are many different modeling communities on the web that offer members slightly varied benefits. Some of them have strong connections in the industry and model agencies’ scouts browse their pages frequently. Some offer advice, support and networking opportunities, but little to no work.
The social networking sites are a lot of fun. They have many followers. Industry social networks allow newbies to meet other models, photographers, makeup artists and stylists. They are a good place to start building your industry connections, get in front of the camera, learn from others in the industry modeling tips and tricks, exchange opinions, get referrals and check references. You may get advice on how to sign up with an agency, how to find a reputable one, how to not get ripped off and how to not get in trouble. You may get useful tips from professional photographers on how to pose to get a great shot, what you need to work on to improve your skills, and many more. You can find photographers who will collaborate on getting images for your portfolio for free.
However, from my experience with those, because they are closed communities which only industry professionals frequent, I can suggest that if you want to be paid for your modeling time and efforts, you need to look for opportunities elsewhere. Even though many professional models and photographers join sites like those, the job opportunities rarely present themselves.
Posted by
4:02 PM
Other Types of Modeling
Character Modeling is a way of describing a model of a certain look, such as a store clerk, a school teacher, an airplane pilot, a bank teller, etc. Character models are used in a variety print ads and television commercials.
Child Modeling
A parental consent is required for all child and teenage modeling. Child models are considered those from 0 to 13 years of age. Teenage models are those between 13 to 18 years of age.
Body Part Modeling
Featuring a certain body part, such as neck, hands, feet etc. in an ad is called part modeling. Models that get part modeling gigs have impeccably beautiful hands, feet, or other body parts, but do not need to have a fashion model look. Have you been told you have particularly beautiful neckline or legs? In that case, you may want to try part modeling.
Glamour Modeling is the type of images that convey sexuality and sensuality. This type of modeling is used for men’s magazines, calendars, pin-up posters and the like. The model is usually a “Barbie-doll” type, with nice curves, full chest, attractive face and long hair. Depending on what the model is wearing in the pictures and the degree of nudity, glamour modeling can be categorized as swimsuit glamour (swimsuit calendars, swimsuit Internet contests), lingerie, glamour nude and mature content modeling.
Artistic Modeling is the type of images that could be found in coffee table books. Unlike glamour modeling, artistic images convey a certain mood. Such images could be defined as an “image that tells a story”, such as a woman harvesting grapes, a woman breastfeeding her child, etc. or an “image of the beauty of a human body”. To help create the mood, a photographer uses certain light techniques, or settings.
Posted by
3:56 PM
Commercial Print Modeling
It is probably one of the most popular types of modeling because it utilizes “normal-looking” people. There are no particular age, height, or weight requirements. Commercial print advertisements are used for practically every type of product or service, whether it is industrial manufacturing, food services, airlines, banking and many more. Many modeling agencies have commercial divisions, where everyone desiring career in modeling may try their luck. Whether you have a “normal” look, or a “unique” or “interesting” look, commercial modeling may be the right fit for you.
Commercial product modeling
With this type of modeling, the models are featured using a variety of products being advertised. The model’s look and age vary depending on the type of product and the type of customer that the marketing campaign is targeted to. For instance, if the product advertised is farm equipment, the model is likely to resemble a farm worker, etc.
Commercial Lifestyle Modeling
In this type of advertisement, models are showing a period of life. Examples of this type of modeling would be a mother reading a book to her children, or an old couple walking on a beach. This type of modeling is used for a variety of things. It could be a marketing brochure for annuities, banking, credit cards and many more. The goal of this advertisement is to show the viewer how good the lifestyle could become with the purchase of the advertised product or service.
Commercial corporate modeling
It is similar to Lifestyle Modeling. However, it shows people at work. Usually it features people dressed up in business attire.
Product Demo or Promotional Modeling
With this type of modeling, models are not being photographed and do not walk runway. They are hired to demonstrate a new product and to give away fee samples.
Because there are no specific requirements, it is the area of modeling that pretty much everyone can try. Many models start out doing promotions and a lot of students find jobs doing promotional modeling to help pay their bills.
Trade Show Modeling is very similar to Promotional Modeling with the exception that the models work during a trade show or a convention handing out fliers.
Sports/fitness modeling
This is an area of modeling where the models are people who are proficient in the type of physical activity that the advertised product is intended for
Trade Show Modeling is very similar to Promotional Modeling with the exception that the models work during a trade show or a convention handing out fliers.
Sports/fitness modeling
This is an area of modeling where the models are people who are proficient in the type of physical activity that the advertised product is intended for
Stock Photography in a way is similar to commercial modeling whereas stock photographers put together a photo shoot to take different types of pictures of different people. Participating in a stock photography shoot is a way for you to “test-drive” the industry and to get potential exposure. Usually a group of stock photographers announces a photo shoot which most anyone can attend. There are little to no requirements as to age, race, gender or physics. You can bring your family, uncle and second cousin to take photos. The photographers take several hundred to several thousand pictures, which they later submit in bulk quantities to so-called stock agencies. Stock agencies will market the photographs to potential clients for a percentage of the sale price. Clients that buy stock photos are usually small businesses that need photo content for their marketing materials. Due to the complexity of distribution channels, models will most likely never find out where their photos end up. Because stock photography is not a commissioned (pre-paid by client) photo shoot, the photographers try to minimize their cost by offering you as a participant a disc with images from the photo shoot which you can use for self-promotion, in exchange for your modeling services. Sometimes the photographer may offer you a nominal stipend ($25-$50 flat fee for a two to four hour shoot) instead or in addition to the images.
Posted by
3:51 PM
Fashion Modeling
Fashion runway modeling is probably far most desirable area of modeling that most every young girl dreams about. The age for female fashion models is generally between 15 and 22 years old. Although there are some exceptions, the earlier you start your career as a fashion model, the better. The career span of a fashion model is short, thus agencies investing their time and money into promoting a model want to make sure their investment will pay off.
Top modeling agencies look for female models who are at least 5’8, between 100 and 125 lbs, frail completion, and long-legged. The physical characteristics are dictated by the specifics of the fashion runway models’ job; hey are hired to show off clothes. Thus, they should be tall to be seen on the podium from the farthest rows, and slim, to be able to fit nicely in the standard wardrobe. Generally, fashion models should not have a very full chest (big chest distracts the audience from looking at the clothes), and they should have “the look that sells”. Not the traditional “Barbie-doll” look but rather a look that is in line with the contemporary fashion standards whatever they may be at any given time.
Fashion Editorial Modeling
Fashion editorial modeling by definition is a mix of fashion and editorial type of modeling whereas a model is featured in an article of a print publication descibing the latest fashion trends. Depending on the size of the publication, the requirements for a fashion editorial model may vary. Most magazines do not have strict height requirements. The main requirement is that a model should look attractive to entice the readers to follow the trend. Fashion editorial modeling is not as high-paid as high fashion and runway modeling, but is a good way to build a resume and to acquire tearsheets.
The model should be of that the target subscribers to a specific publication, whether the magazine caters to younger audience, male, female, plus-size, families with children, expecting mothers and many more.
Fashion Catalogue Modeling
Many clothing manufacturers produce catalogues featuring their products on a seasonal basis. Just like with fashion editorial modeling, models that are hired for catalogue work represent the specific target market of a specific clothing manufacturer. The pay for catalogue work tends to be high and the projects usually last for one to two weeks, with eight-hour workdays. Depending on the size of the clothing manufacturer and the circulation of catalogues, compensation for this type of work starts in the several thousand dollar range. Catalogue modeling is a competitive enterprise, because of the high pay and consistency of work.
Fashion Print Modeling
Fashion Print Modeling is similar to Catalogue Modeling with only difference that models promote clothing on billboards, and in magazine ads. There are no editorials to fill, and the featured model is captured wearing a collection that a clothing manufacturer is trying to sell.
Fashion show room modeling
This term refers to models wearing clothes of a specific designer in a show room
Fashion lingerie modeling
Major difference between fashion modeling and fashion lingerie modeling is that with lingerie modeling, the models generally need to be curvy. Lingerie is intended to bring out the beauty of a woman’s body and to to have sexual appeal. Lingerie models are not usually required to be tall unless the same models are used in a lingerie fashion shows, and in many cases are actually short to medium height. The main requirement is that a model is somewhat curvy, has toned physic and looks sexy in lingerie.
Fashion Swimsuit Modeling
Requirements for swimsuit models are the same as for lingerie models. Tones physics, nice curves, pretty face and good hair are the main parameters that a swimsuit model should fit.
Fashion fitness modeling
Because fitness modeling focuses on clothing for athletes, fashion fitness models are more muscular then an average fashion model. They tend to have strong muscle definitions, and many times fitness models are professional athletes.
Fit Modeling
Clothing manufactures use fit models when designing new products. Fit models should have the precise measurements for a specific size of clothing beeing put in production.
Fashion Plus-size Modeling
Many modeling agencies have Plus Size divisions. Plus size models are tall (usually from 5’8) with dress size averaging between 10 and 14. Unlike some may think, plus size models are not sloppy fat. Even though these models are larger then models utilized in other types of modeling, they still have to have toned physic and be proportioned.
Posted by
3:45 PM
Types of Modeling
Fashion Modeling generally can be divided into the following sub-categories
• fashion runway modeling
• fashion editorial modeling
• fashion catalog modeling
• fashion print modeling
• fashion show room modeling
• fashion lingerie modeling
• fashion bathing suit modeling
• fashion fitness modeling
• fashion fit modeling
• plus size modeling
Commercial Print Modeling
• commercial product modeling
• commercial lifestyle modeling
• commercial corporate modeling
• product demo (promotional modeling)
• trade show modeling
• sports/athletically proficient/fitness
• hobby modeling
• alternative modeling
• warm body modeling
Stock Photography also falls into the category of Commercial Print
Character Modeling
• Print Ad Character Modeling
• Television Commercials
Child Modeling
Body Part Modeling
Glamour Modeling
• Swim Suit Modeling
• Lingerie Modeling
• Glamour Nude Modeling
Art Modeling
• Fine Art
• Artistic Nude
• Fine Art Nude
Posted by
3:00 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
Model Elaine Official Blog
My name is Elaine. Originally from Russia, Moscow with Ukrainian, Polish and Russian roots, I moved to the US nine years ago and since then Ihave resided in the beautiful Bay Area just East of San Francisco.
I have been modeling for many years and am proud to say that throughout my career as a model I have been fortunate to work with some of the best photographers and makeup artists in the industry.I have earned a solid reputation as an extremely creative, energetic, easy-going and fun to work with model. I love being in front of the camera and I am just as comfortable shooting for a low-circulation print ad as appearing on the national television in live broadcasting.The nature of my work usually requires a very healthy and toned physique. I work hard to stay in shape. I love biking, swimming, lifting weights, as well as other physical activities.
I like shooting fashion, swimwear, lingerie, casual, commercial and editorial images.Take a look at my portfolio and contact me via e-mail if you are interested in booking me for a job.
Elaine D
Posted by
2:36 PM
Labels: model elaine, model elaine portfolio